Jiří Voves
Born on the 4th of April, in Pardubice.
University studies 1963–1969 in ČVUT Prague – architecture under prof. J. Štursa, in AVU Prague under prof. F. Cubr in 1969-1971 (meeting with doc. J. John). The artist has been dealing exclusively with free painting and graphics since 1977, occasionally with illustrations, graphic design of books, stage design and realisations in the area of architecture.
- Independent exhibitions
- 1976 Prague, exhibition hall ÚPVS (with L. Kaprasová)/ Vlašim, community centre (with V. Svoboda) 1977 Prague, Club in Michalská 1980 Prague, Theatre in Nerudovka/Liberec, Gallery Díla 1983 Prague, Gallery Karolina/Prague, Macromolecular Chemistry Institute ČSAV/Litoměřice, Northern-Bohemian Gallery 1984 Prague, Club in Řeznická 1985 Prague, Gallery Na Újezdě/Moravské Budějovice, community centre 1987 Prague, Gallery U Řečických/ Pilsen, exhibition hall Luna 1988 Prague, Junior Club Na Chmelnici/Birmingham (Great Britain), university community 1989 Liberec, Regional Gallery/Chateau Staré Hrady (with M. Preclík) 1990 Prague, Chodovská tvrz 1991 Prague, Gallery K Munkerup (Denmark), community centre 1992 Aabenrau (Denmark), Gallery Pregaard 1993 Prague, The Kolowrat Palace – theatre club/Chateau Doudleby (with M. Preclík, J. Rada) 1995 Pilsen STOP GALLERY 1996 Prague, Gallery Vyšehrad/Pardubice, Gallery Gong 1998 Pilsen, Western-Bohemian Gallery/Prague, Studio Paměť/Prague, Literary Café 1999 Schweinfurt, Gal. Schrotturm/Kostelec nad Orlicí, exhibition hall of the library/Písek, Prácheňské Museum/Opočno, Chateau Gallery 2000 Prague, Studio Paměť 2000 Prague, Malý Španělský sál 2001 Prague, Studio Paměť 2002 Křížovice, gallery Galerie z ruky 2003 Prague, Studio Paměť 2004 Klokočná – Mnichovice, Gallery 9/Prague – HAMU 2005 Prague, Studio Paměť/Pilsen – Western-Bohemian Gallery 2006 Prague, Studio Paměť 2007 Terezín, Small Fort/Prague, Mánes – the lower exhibition hall 2008 The Czech Community Centre in Brussels, The Czech Community Centre in Sofia, Náchod U mistra palmy, Domažlice Gallery Dorka 2009 Prague Studio Paměť 2010 Šumperk, Gallery Jiřího Jílka, 2010 Prague, Karolinum Autopsychography– Pessoa / Voves, Křížovice, Galerie z ruky, Pilsen, drawings (accompanying exhibition The Biennial) 2011 Soloturn, Gallery 9, 2011 Gallery Františka Drtikola, Příbram, 2013 Gallery of the Prácheňské Museum, Písek 2013 Arts Archives and Geophysical Institute of the Acadedmy of Sciences 2014 INSCRIPTIONS, Czech Center in New York 2015 J. Jíra's Gallery, Malá Skála; ODNEPAMĚTI (EVERSINCE), Galery U jednorožce; Klatovy-Klenová 2016 Prague, Library Libri prohibiti 2017 Hranice na Moravě, Synagogue Gallery 2018 Kolín, Gallery under the turntable / Brazil, Porto Alegre - Rubiao-Voves 2019 Benešov, Museum of Art and Design / Praha, Synagogue Palmovka / Brazil, Curitiba - Rubiao-Voves / Brazil, Belo Horizonte - Rubiao-Voves 2021 Brazil, Sao Paulo - Rubiao-Pessoa-Voves 2022 Kadaň, Galerie Josefa Leislera - Paintings
- Participation in exhibitions
- 1982 Horsens (Denmark), university exhibition hall 1983 Liberec, Regional Gallery – “Člověk a svět” (A Human and the World) 1984 Monte Carlo, XIX. An exhibition of the contemporary art 1986 Prague, Gallery of V. Kramář – “Svět cirkusu a varieté” (The World of the Circus and Variety Show) 1987 Budapest (Hungary), Art of today II 1989 Budapest (Hungary), Art of today III 1991 Gallery D 1992 Prague, Nová síň – “Minisalon” 1993 Prague, The Kolowrat Palace 1995 Pilsen, Stop Gallery 1996 Topolo (Italy), installation “Chronos” (together with M. Janek) 1997 Ludwigshafen, NSR, “Czech Art” 2000 Pilsen, Topography of Memory/Pilsen, Biennial of Drawing 2001 Bremen (West Germany), Topography of Memory 2002 Audabiac (France) – Czech Fine Art/Pilsen, Biennial of Drawing (jury award)/Terezín – The tribute to Robert Dessnos 2003 Audabiac (France) – Czech Fine Art 2004 Pilsen – Biennial of Drawing (jury award)/České Budějovice, Intersalon 2005 Kolín, Music in Fine Art/Topolo (Italy), installation Chronos II./ Prague – Mánes – Jubilees of UB/Rakovník – The Tribute to V. Rabas (UB) 2006 Pilsen – Biennial of Drawing/Wroclav – Biennial of Drawing (Grand Prix) 2007 Pilsen, Masné krámy – Art discussion, statues, drawings/Rychnov nad Kn. – Art discussion, member exhibition, Gallery of Fine Arts Most – member exhibition UB, 2008 Pilsen, Biennial of Drawing (Award of the Governor of the Pilsen Region), Prague Novoměstská radnice – member exhibition UB, Prague – Mánes, member exhibition of Umelecka beseda 2009 Litoměřice, Věčná pomíjivost (Eternal Transience) – member exhibition UB, Prague – Vltavín, Mini UB 2009, 2010 Pilsen, Biennial of Drawing (jury award) 2012 Galery Vltavín, artwork on paper - Umělecká beseda, Prague 2013 Exhibition of Umělecká Beseda members, Clam-Gallas Palace, Prague 2016 Exhibition of Umělecká Beseda members, Clam-Gallas Palace, Prague 2017 Dialogue - Umělecká beseda, in the rooms of PROMED.cs, Prague 2018 Junction - member exhibition of Umelecka beseda, wastewater treatment plant Bubeneč, Prague 2019 Praha, hotel school - exhibition of Umelecka beseda 2020 Litoměřice, Church of the Annunciation - exhibition of Umelecka beseda 2021 Písek, Traces in the sand - exhibition of Umelecka beseda
- Illustrations and graphic design of books
- 1993 James Joyce: Odysseus (Argo) 1994 Murilo Rubiao: Bride from the Blue Cottage (Argo) 1995 Viktor Fischl: Dvorní šašci (The Court Jesters, Elim) 1996 Pavel Rajčan: Ale přesto… (However, Krásné nakladatelství) 1996 Třetí břeh řeky (The Third Riverbank, a selection from the collection of Brazil short stories) (Dauphin) 1997 Fernando Pessoa: Faust (Argo) 1998 Fernando Pessoa: Anarchist Banker (Argo) 2000 Jiří Šotola: Tovaryšstvo Ježíšovo (The Society of Jesus, Eminent) 2001 Jiří Šotola: Kuře na rožni (Chicken on the Spit, Eminent), Havajské mýty, pověsti a rituály (Hawaiian myths, stories and rituals, Argo) 2007 Jan Skácel: Zlé laně odcházejí k ránu (Evil does leave in the morning, Dokořán)
- Works in collections
- Regional Gallery – Litoměřice, Northern-Bohemian Gallery – Liberec, Western-Bohemian Gallery – Pilsen, Gallery of B. Rejt – Louny; and in private collections
- Realisations
- 1996 Obecní úřad Řepy, Praha 6 triptych „Paměť země“, tmel, olej reliéf stěna „Paměť“, sádra 1998 Domov Sue Ryder, Michle, Praha 4 kaple: oltářní stůl, dřevo okna, malovaná vitráž triptych „Paměť“, tmel, olej hala: nástěnné reliéfy, sádra okno, vitráž
- Stage design
- 1987 Obyčejná osoba (Common Person, Nataša Tánská) 2004 Jana z Arku (Jane of Arc, Honegger) – FOK, Prague – Municipal House 2006 Betulia (Mozart) – FOK, Prague – Municipal House 2009 Sen (Přemysl Rut) Studio of the Theatre Pod Palmovkou